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Health Comm Claims That Medical Marijuana Ready In One Year Met With Skepticism

Nirav Shah

  The Cuomo Administration is moving ahead with a bill  to allow limited access to medical marijuana. Cuomo’s health commissioner told lawmakers at a budget hearing that the program could be “up and running” within a year, but his claims were met with some skepticism.

Governor Cuomo’s health commissioner told lawmakers at a recent budget hearing that he prefers the governor’s  plan for limited medical marijuana in New York, rather than a broader program  backed by some in the legislature.

Dr. Nirav Shah says the plan could be implemented more quickly than anything the legislature might approve.

“I’m focusing all my energy on making sure that we have the medical marijuana program up and running within a year to meet New Yorkers’ needs, ” Shah said.

Governor Cuomo wants to use a 34 year old law to provide  medical marijuana to some cancer and glaucoma patients in New York. Using the 1980 law, Cuomo and Shah would permit the marijuana to be dispensed at 20 hospitals in the state. New York would get the drug from a federal marijuana growing lab in Mississippi. The law also permits the use of pot seized by police in drug busts.

Dr. Shah was questioned by the legislative sponsors of a wider bill, who are skeptical that Cuomo’s plan would work.

Assembly sponsor and Health Committee Chair Richard Gottfried says his bill would take advantage of the burgeoning new industry of medical marijuana growing in other states, where new strains of the drug are being developed to treat more conditions. He asked Shah whether the Cuomo Administration plan would allow for distribution of an oil based derivative, known as Charlotte’s Web, which is used in many other states for a previously untreatable form of severe epilepsy.

“Is the federal government producing oil extract of the so called Charlotte’s web strain?” Gottfried asked.

“Not that I’m aware of ,” Shah answered.

“I didn’t think so,” Gottfried said.

Senate sponsor Diane Savino cast doubt on the state’s ability to get a federal waiver to dispense marijuana at hospitals.

“In many respects you’re wasting your time,” Savino advised. “It is inconceivable that the federal government is going to give New York State a waiver to allow hospitals to dispense medical marijuana.”

Dr. Shah says the limited medical marijuana treatments could also form the basis for research on whether it makes sense to expand the program . Senator Savino says the studies already exist, and the Cuomo Administration would only be “reinventing the wheel”. She says New York is the only state north of Delaware in the Eastern United States that does not have a medical marijuana statute.

“If you’re interested in research perhaps you should just pull out the old  E Z Pass and go to New Jersey or go to Connecticut or go to Massachusetts,” Savino said. “Or fly to Colorado if you want to do some research.”

Parents of children with severe epilepsy lobbied at the Capitol for the Savino- Gottfried bill, they say it allows for treatment with the oil based derivative shown to help with the condition. Afterward, aides to the Governor told the advocates that Cuomo would “consider” the bill if it passed both houses of the legislature.

Assemblyman Gottfried asked Dr. Shah to clarify those comments.

Dr. Shah says he’d rather work with the 1980 law that already exists than talk a “hypothetical” bill that has not yet been approved in the legislature.

It’s unclear whether there are enough votes in the State Senate to pass the medical marijuana bill.

Karen DeWitt is Capitol Bureau chief for New York State Public Radio, a network of public radio stations in New York state. She has covered state government and politics for the network since 1990.
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