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NYS Senate Debate Gets Personal

NYS Capitol building in Albany

Tensions between opposing groups of Democrats in the New York state Senate reached a flash point this week- over whose   faction would be allowed to present their budget priorities for a floor debate, in an exchange that included some racially-charged name calling.

A growing group of eight breakaway Democrats, who rule the Senate in an informal coalition with 31 Republicans, have left regular Democrats smarting for some time now.

But the mainstream Democrats’ patience reached a breaking point when they found that the breakaway Democrats, known as the Independent Democratic Conference, were permitted to introduce their own blueprint of budget priorities on the Senate floor, while the regular Democrats, who have around two dozen members, were prevented from doing so.

“I’m outraged,” said Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, when she first learned of the development.

Senator Stewart-Cousins and the other mainstream Democrats are trying to use to their advantage the unpopularity of President Donald Trump among most New Yorkers, and have increasingly tried to tie the Independent Democratic Conference to Trump, because the IDC is in a coalition with the Senate GOP.

Deputy Senate Democratic Leader, Senator Michael Gianaris, made the connection explicit during debate on the Senate floor.

“The Republicans are choosing which Democrats they want to hear from,” said Gianaris who said it was not surprise that the GOP picked “what the NY Daily News called Donald Trump’s New York Democrats”.

That was too much for one of the Independent Democrats’ newest members, Senator Marisol Alcantara, who got personal with Gianaris, a Greek American with a degree from an Ivy League college.  

“At the end of the day he is white man with a degree from a Harvard,” Alcantara said. “And I refuse to have him use his white privilege.”

The Senate erupted. Senator Joseph Griffo, who was presiding over the Senate, tried to get back on track, and urged Senator Alcantara to “avoid personal invective”.

Senator Alcantara, who came to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic at age 12, was finally allowed to continue.

“I would like to know how many times my colleague has been called the N-word,” said Alcantara, who then used a racial epithet to describe other names she says she had been called. “How many times has my colleague or any of his family members been stopped and frisked?”

The remarks caused Gianaris to lose his temper.

“There’s a colleague here who talked about me, and who frankly knows nothing about me. Nothing,” said Gianaris. “She doesn’t know that my father had his home literally burned to the ground by the Nazis.”

Senator Gianaris said his parents immigrated to the U.S. with nothing, and he makes no apologies for becoming successful.

The bickering prompted a rare rebuke from the Republican Senate leader, John Flanagan, who urged members to exhibit “decorum and professionalism”.

Afterward, IDC leader, Senator Jeff Klein said the point of his members’ separate budget resolution was to prove that they are serious about governing, and not to make “political points”. But he said the remarks were “unfortunate”, and Klein did not exactly defend Senator Alcantara’s comments.

“Senator Alcantara is very passionate,” Klein said. “She takes her job and her community and her heritage very seriously.”

Despite Klein’s assertion that his conference is growing in influence and acceptance, the IDC is experiencing some blowback for cooperating with the Republicans in the Senate. Some of its members have faced angry crowds at town hall meetings earlier this winter, who called them "traitors" and demanded they be thrown out of office. The Independent Democrats blame outside organizers for the disruptions.

It may seem trivial to fight about whose budget resolution gets more attention, but in New York, the spending plans approved in late March often contain non-related policy items, like whether to treat 16 and 17 year-olds as juveniles, not adults, in the state prison system, known as "raise the age", and whether to allow ride hailing services like Uber and Lyft to operate outside of New York City.

Karen DeWitt is Capitol Bureau chief for New York State Public Radio, a network of public radio stations in New York state. She has covered state government and politics for the network since 1990.
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