WAMC's Lucas Willard spoke with Southern Adirondack Bureau Chief Aaron Shellow-Lavine, who is covering the Belmont Stakes at Saratoga Race Course on Saturday June 8th, 2024.
You're listening to Midday Magazine on WAMC, an unusual Belmont Stakes is being run at Saratoga Race Course today as part of a four day racing festival, and is expected to draw record crowds to the Spa City, weeks before the typical 40 day racing season at the Spa WAMC’s Southern Adirondack Bureau Chief, Aaron Shellow- Levine, is there and on the line. Aaron, months of preparation and anticipation have gone into this moment today, the big race tonight, at 6:41 but what's it like at the race course hours before the Belmont Stakes?
Well, Lucas, the excitement is evident here. Crowds were lined up and down Union Avenue today. Some folks had been waiting in line since 2 or 3 a.m. Most of the people I've talked to so far say it's been worth it. Today is historic, and it's the first time the test of the Champions is being run here in Saratoga, while the Belmont’s usual course is undergoing significant renovations downstate. While the Belmont will be run here again in 2025 there will never be a first Belmont in Saratoga again. Kevin Neacy is a valet from Bolton Landing. He's the first here out of his friend group of around 20 people. I spoke with him just after he sprinted to reserve three tables after waiting in line for hours.
Sounds like Kevin's in for a big day. What else are you seeing on the ground?
Well, the weather is holding up for the time being, clouds are looming overhead with a faint sprinkle, here or there. On Thursday, a track vendor I spoke with was concerned that rain would keep the record crowds away. Around 20,000 people were reportedly present for the races that day. But so far, no one seems swayed by a chance of some rain. The venue's 50,000 fan limit was met shortly after tickets went live, and the weekend, on a whole, is expected to generate $50 million for the region.
Aaron, thanks for jumping on the line. I appreciate it.
Thanks. Lucas.