With first-term State Auditor Diana DiZoglio’s ongoing battle with the state legislature over her ability to fully audit the body officially going before voters this fall, fellow Democrat Tara Jacobs of North Adams says she backs the measure.
“I support transparency in government. I believe it is incumbent upon those of us who are elected to serve to serve in a way that is clear and accountable and transparent to those who have elected us. I honestly am not- I'm not sure why there's a resistance to be audited," Jacobs added. "On Governor's Council, feel free to audit- I don't know what, there's not a whole lot of money behind us. So, feel free to come in and look at our books.”
Alongside top party leadership in the legislature and Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell, Berkshire County Democrats like State Representatives Tricia Farley-Bouvier and Smitty Pignatelli oppose DiZoglio’s effort.