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First detection of Eastern Equine Encephalitis in mosquitos reported in Vermont this year

James Gathany, CDC
National Institutes of Health

The Vermont Department of Health says Eastern Equine Encephalitis has been detected in mosquitos in northwestern Vermont.

The Vermont Department of Agriculture collects mosquitos across the state and sends them to the Health Department laboratory for testing. Positive EEE virus samples were collected on July 22 from Alburgh and Swanton in Grand Isle and Franklin counties. It is the first detection during this year’s testing season in Vermont.

There have been no human cases in the state yet.

Health officials say people should avoid mosquitos.

Most people infected with EEE virus will have no or mild symptoms, such as fever, chills, fatigue, and joint and body aches. In rare cases EEE can result in encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. EEE is fatal in about one-third of people who develop severe disease.