A study has found that a broad range of interests agree on what type of development strategy is best for the Adirondack Park. The Adirondack Common Ground Alliance heard the results during its annual meeting this week.
The Common Ground Alliance is made up of groups from all sectors in the Park, from economic to environmental to community based. For over a year, retired volunteer strategy consultants Dave Mason and Jim Hermann have been holding workshops in and outside of the Park reviewing possible scenarios for the future of the region. Co-Leader of the A-D-K Futures Project Dave Mason says no matter what group they went to the same conclusion was reached.
The final report from the Adirondack Futures Project was presented to the Common Ground Alliance this week. Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages Past President and Town Of Morehouse Superviser Bill Farber is a core member of the Common Ground Alliance.
Adirondack Council Executive Director Brian Houseal is a co-founder of the Alliance. He says there has been 95-percent concurrence among the more than 500 participants for a sustainable Adirondack Park. Houseal says the challenge now is how to implement the plan.
The Adirondack Futures Project will track over the next year what actually happens in the real world compared to what has been visualized in the preferred scenario.