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Adirondack Officials Call for Passage of Two Statewide Ballot Questions

On this year’s election day ballot in New York, there are two statewide propositions that impact the Adirondack Park. The Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages is urging voters to approve both of the measures.

Proposition 4, often referred to as the Township 40 proposal, would resolve property title issues in the town of Long Lake, some of which stretch back to the 1880s. The state would also obtain lands to add to the Forest Preserve.
The second ballot question is a swap that allows NYCO Mining to put 1500 acres of land into the Forest Preserve in exchange for 200 acres that will allow it to continue mining wollastonite.
Because both proposals affect state forest preserve lands, voters across the state must approve a state constitutional amendment.
The Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages is urging votes to approve both propositions. Town of Morehouse Supervisor Bill Farber is a past president of the group and is spearheading its Adirondack Partnership initiative.

Farber adds that the organization is concerned that with 6 proposals appearing on the November ballot, voters may be unaware or ignore the importance of the propositions.

Adirondack Council Executive Director Willie Janeway says the 2 propositions will make the park better.

Central Adirondack Association ex-officio member Nick Rose is Executive Director of CAP-21 - the Central Adirondack Partnership for the 21st Century.

Protect the Adirondacks Executive Director Peter Bauer calls Proposition 4, the Township 40 resolution that resolves title issues, the best outcome to an intractable situation that has lasted over 100 years.  But he remains highly critical of Proposition 5, the NYCO land swap.

Both propositions have been approved by two consecutively elected state legislatures.