Dave Cantor
Host/Producer, The Best Of Our Knowledge-
On this week's program: Andrew Farnsworth is a senior research associate at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and has led a career that’s focused on migration and how birds are being affected by climate change and light pollution. But dramatic improvements in technology during the past few decades have provided him with new data that’s making the scale and scope of his work radically different.
Elena Ailes, an assistant professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, explains the road to unionization.
Art historian Colin Rhodes discusses his book 'Outsider Art: Art Brut and its Affinities.'
Daniel Griffin, an assistant professor of geography at the University of Minnesota, recently published “This 500-Year-Old Tree in California Has a Story to Tell.”
Jesús del Alamo, an MIT professor, discusses the recent financial investment the country's made in the sciences.
Xin Lan, a research associate with NOAA, discusses methane levels in the atmosphere.
Tim Ranzetta discusses cofounding the nonprofit Next Gen Personal Finance.
Journalist and essayist Jori Lewis discusses her first book, 'Slaves for Peanuts: A Story of Conquest, Liberation and a Crop That Changed History.'
The whale population is center stage in the latest book by Ryan Tucker Jones, 'Red Leviathan: The Secret History of Soviet Whaling.'
Education Week reporter Madeline Will discusses how teachers see their own vocation.