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Any Questions #527 Leftover Questions #11

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Last week's challenge

Start with a six-letter word often associated with decorating at this time of year. Rearrange the letters and you can spell a different six-letter word often heard in song at this time of year. What are the words?

Answer: TINSEL and SILENT.


On-air questions: OK, Ian: tonight marks the return of the same thing that has happened on our last show of each year: the Any Questions? clearance sale. As usual, we’ll be clearing the shelves of unused questions in categories from the past year. Ian and I appreciate you shopping at Any Questions? and want to remind you that any purchases made after tonight may not arrive in time for the holidays.

1. [#483: Hammers] Hammer Film Productions was founded in London in 1934 and is perhaps best known for its Gothic horror and fantasy films, a list which includes seven films starring Sir Christopher Lee as what literary vampire?

2. [#489: Shades of Green] Who did William Shatner interview in 2011 for a documentary titled The Captains, two years after taking over the role that Shatner made famous beginning in the 1960s?

3. [#499: "EVE-" ] What name fills in the blank in this excerpt from a 1910 poem: "Making a Giant hit into a double / Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble: / 'Tinker to ___ to Chance.'"

4. [#519: NHL Team Names] About which 2018 film was columnist Jamelle Bouie writing when he said it "could have been just another Marvel romp [but] Coogler and company had the power, and perhaps the responsibility, to do much more" and that it is "the most political movie ever produced by Marvel Studios, both in its very existence...and in the questions its story raises"?

5. [#523: "Day"] What event featured performances this year from, among many others, the cast of the Broadway musical Six!; the Muppets; Steve, Joe, and Josh from the Nickelodeon series Blue's Clues, and marching bands from Union High School in Oklahoma and the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders in Texas?

Extra credit

1. [#485: Presidential Last Names] 1999 role for Brad Pitt / Actress with a statue in Minneapolis commemorating one of her television roles / Actress who appeared in a 1993 music video for one of her father's band's songs

2. What fairy tale has among its origins a 14th-century version from Italy titled "The False Grandmother"?

This week's challenge

Start with the phrase LEFTOVER QUESTIONS. Change one letter to an A and you can rearrange the letters to spell a five-letter word for a type of writing, a six-letter adjective that might apply to that writing, and a six-letter word for things you might find in that writing. What are the words?


On-air questions

1. Dracula

2. Chris Pine

3. Evers

4. Black Panther

5. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Extra credit

1. Tyler

2. "Little Red Riding Hood"