Elinor Lipman is one of America’s most beloved contemporary novelists. Her latest, Ms. Demeanor, is the witty story about love under house arrest. Jane Morgan is a valued member of her law firm—or was, until a prudish neighbor, binoculars poised, observes her having sex on the roof of her NYC apartment building. Police are summoned, and a punishing judge sentences her to six months of home confinement. When a doorman lets slip that Jane isn't the only resident wearing an ankle monitor, she strikes up a friendship with fellow white-collar felon. As she tries to adapt to life within her apartment walls, she discovers she hasn’t heard the end of that tattletale neighbor. Elinor Lipman will be talking about and signing her novel tonight at 7 PM at Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley, MA and she joins us this morning.
Novelist Elinor Lipman in South Hadley, MA tonight

Harper Collins