To foster a more inclusive democracy that truly reflects the diverse needs of our population, we must empower young voters. This is crucial not only because they hold significant sway in upcoming elections—voters aged 18-34 will represent over 40 million potential votes in 2024, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the American electorate—but also due to their unique perspectives and backgrounds. As the future leaders of our nation, the voices of young voters are essential in shaping the direction of our society.
To explore the topic, we welcome Professor and Chair of Political Science from Hartwick College Laurel Elder. Laurel is Co-Director of the Institute of Public Service along with Professor of Sociology, Zachary McKenney who joins us with two of their students.
Zack Corbett '27: Political Science major; Active in Student Government (Serves as Chief Justice); Running for mayor of the Village of Otsego in Fall 2025, where he could be one of if not the youngest mayors in the country.
Amelia Williams '26: A political science and psychology double major; Public Service Intern/Assistant; Leader in campus government (Student Governor Vice-President) and in getting our campus engaged in politics. She has been an election night reporter, attended/helped out at Oneonta City Government meetings, created TikTok's to inspire her peers to register and vote, and more.
This panel is in a new pre-fund drive format that aims to provide information and discussion on topics pertaining to the 2024 election.