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Food Friday 6/17/22: Butter with Haley Whalen

Butter factory, churning and receiving, C. 1925
State Government Photographer
The History Trust of South Australian, South Australian Government
Butter factory, churning and receiving, C. 1925

Wait. An entire show dedicated to butter? YES! We welcome Haley Whalen of Arthur's Market to talk about the virtues of butter and take your calls. The number is 800-348-2551. Ray Graf hosts.

Haley will also administer an in-studio butter taste test, featuring butters by Arethusa Farm, Ploughgate, Vermont Creamery, Cowbella and more!

Haley Whalen explains her fascination with butter:

Essentially, my interest in butter stems from two places: (1) It's delicious, and I love to eat it! (2) As a product of one ingredient (in the case of unsalted butter), butter is a very direct reflection of its source: the breed of cow, the cow's diet, geography, season, etc. In this sense, I have personally become super interested in understanding butter's terroir and in finding the most flavorful butter and/or cream for making butter. In the UK, where my obsession with butter began, there are some incredible producers, and more recently, a few very high quality artisans have emerged in the US, so I'm eager to help promote the conversation here and open people up to all that butter can be.

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