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Outdoors with Jeremy Hurst 9/28/22

Black and white drawing of a bat
1911 Encyclopædia Britannica volume 10, pages 502–519 / Wikimedia Commons
The Bat (Phyllocina gracilis). Greatly expanded travelling extremities adapted for air.

We welcome back Jeremy Hurst, the Big Game Unit Leader for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Also joining us is Carl Herzog, the DEC's bat expert. 800-348-2551 is the number to call at show time. Ray Graf hosts.

Jeremy Hurst
Jeremy Hutst

Jeremy Hurst's responsibilities involve oversight of the white-tailed deer, black bear, and moose management programs for the state, which includes working with regional biologists across the state, facilitating research efforts with university faculty, and collaborating with biologists across North America on management and human-wildlife conflict issues.

Before joining DEC in 2005, Jeremy researched wintering deer in northern New York, worked on projects with Dall sheep, grizzly bears, and small mammals, and taught high school science in the Dominican Republic. Jeremy received a B.S. in Biology from Houghton College and an M.S. in Wildlife Biology and Management from the State University of New York ‐ College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

Headshot of Carl Herzog
Carl Herzon

Carl Herzog is a Senior Wildlife Biologist with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Wildlife Diversity section. He is a mammal specialist and has worked mostly with bats since joining the Department in 2004. Prior to entering public service, Mr. Herzog held a variety of private sector, manufacturing positions for approximately 20 years. He holds degrees in both engineering and wildlife ecology.

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