We welcome back Holly Shelowitz to discuss healthy foods that taste great and can make us feel better. Ray Graf hosts.

Call at show time (2pm) with your question. 800-348-2551. Email your question to "VoxPop@WAMC.org"
Holly Shelowitz is a Certified Nutrition Counselor and Culinary Nutrition Educator. For over 20 years Holly has been teaching people how to harness their body’s own preventative and healing powers with food, herbs and lifestyle.
In addition to meeting with clients privately, Holly has taught nutrition and cooking workshops on around the region and at Omega Institute, Eileen Fisher, UPS, American Express as well as many local organizations. Holly was the Northeast Regional Nutrition Educator for Whole Foods Market, helping to launch two Global Healthy Eating Education programs that were integrated company wide. She brought it all back home and created the Healthy Eating Education Program at Mother Earth’s Storehouse and helped open the café at Sunflower Natural Foods Market. Holly regularly teaches community workshops at libraries, farmers markets and everywhere on Zoom.
Holly's website is www.nourishingwisdom.com.
You may connect with her on social media:
Facebook @Nourishing Wisdom Nutrition
Instagram @hollynourishingwisdom