Alright, we know it. Pi Day has nothing to do with pies. On the other hand, who needs an excuse for PIE? Ellen Gray is back to dish on the subject. Call in! 800-348-2551. Ray Graf hosts.

Ellen Gray is obsessed with pie. Ellen Gray is a food writer, recipe developer, educator and professional pie whisperer.
Ellen's work has appeared in Better Homes & Gardens, SAVEUR, Food52, MUNCHIES, and Jewish Food Society. With a reverence for culinary history and a slightly raised eyebrow towards contemporary food trends, Ellen chronicles her baking calendar on the blog No More Mr. Nice Pie. Her favorite pie is whatever is in season.
You'll find Ellen dishing out "PROFESSIONAL PIEISMS AND SEASONAL SARCASM" at No More Mr. Nice Pie.
Today’s pie-ku:
Celebrate Pi(e) Day’s
Mathematical constant
With more pie, less math