The Great Barrington, Massachusetts selectboard has approved road closures for another season of a popular downtown music series despite concerns raised by some business owners.
Berkshire Busk! was conceived and developed by cellist and entrepreneur Eugene Carr during the earliest days of the pandemic. When all the stores, restaurants and cultural organizations were closed, the festival became a safe way to bring the community together and enliven the town of Great Barrington through the arts. In the summer of 2023, over 28,000 people experienced Berkshire Busk! in downtown Great Barrington. Berkshire Busk! Is back for 2024 and Eugene Carr joins us.
The vibrant Berkshire Busk! downtown music and arts festival is back to light up the streets of Great Barrington for its third season. The festival features lively celebrations of music, dance, acrobatics and more every Friday and Saturday night starting at 6:30 PM through Saturday, September 2 (Labor Day Weekend).
Berkshire Busk! strives to improve economic development and community engagement during the summer in downtown Great Barrington, Massachusetts by harnessing artistic talent from the community and beyond to create a new and vibrant downtown cultural experience. We are joined by Eugene Carr - the creator and director of Berkshire Busk and Jonathan Miron from Arkai who will be busking on Friday.