The Burlington, Vermont City Council holds a meeting each year to review the Town Meeting Day ballot. This year, in addition to bond and budget items, voters will be asked to approve several charter changes on March 4th.
The Burlington City Council met for its final regular meeting of 2024 Monday evening. The lengthy meeting including consideration whether to place a controversial question on the March Town Meeting Day ballot.
Burlington, Vermont Mayor Miro Weinberger is in the final days of his term after deciding not to seek a fifth three-year term.
The four candidates for Burlington mayor participated in a forum recently to discuss how they would guide the city’s future.
The Burlington, Vermont City Council held the first of two public hearings this week on proposed city charter amendments to potentially be placed on the March 5th Town Meeting Day ballot. A motion on one of the amendments led to sharp exchanges between councilors.
Burlington Democrats and Progressives select their mayoral candidates for Town Meeting Day electionsBurlington, Vermont’s major parties have nominated their candidates for the Town Meeting Day city wide elections.
It is already shaping up to be a busy Town Meeting election season in Burlington, Vermont. Several incumbent city councilors will not run for re-election.
A new Burlington, Vermont City Council was sworn in Monday and the mayor gave his State of the City address.
Burlington, Vermont voters will be asked on Town Meeting Day March 2nd whether Ranked Choice Voting should be used to select city councilors. The charter…