The North Country Chamber of Commerce hosted joint State of the County, Town and City speeches this week. The leaders of the three municipalities offered an optimistic overview and outlook for the region.
Officials from Clinton County and the Town of Plattsburgh held a ribbon cutting this morning to formally open access to new manufacturing development acreage that is considered a significant milestone in regional economic development.
The North Country Chamber held its annual State of the County City and Town this morning.
Mark Henry has been elected to his fifth term as chair of the Clinton County Legislature and is also serving as President of the New York State Association of County Board Chairs
The North Country Chamber of Commerce brought the leaders of Clinton County, and the town and city of Plattsburgh, together this morning.
The leaders of the Clinton County Legislature, the Supervisor of the Town of Plattsburgh and the mayor of the city of Plattsburgh jointly delivered addresses on the state of their municipalities today.
With most businesses shuttered and unemployment claims rising, the North County Chamber coordinated a virtual town hall this morning with the leaders of…