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  • Strange Universe With Bob Berman
    About a dozen new comets are discovered every year, but few ever venture close to Earth or become visually impressive. We see only one truly spectacular comet every 15 or 20 years on average. Long period comets often have extended tails that are so bright, the comet can be seen through the lights and smog of a large city. We had two in the 90’s -- Hale Bopp, and Hyakutaki, and you may have read that astronomers recently found a so-called monster comet. It should be brightest the third week of October in 2024, around a year from now. So, are we in for a treat? In truth, it could be great or it could disappoint.
  • In March 1993, astronomers Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy discovered a comet that was on a course to impact Jupiter. Shoemaker-Levy 9…