The Iroquois Museum is presenting “The Mush Hole: Truth, Acknowledgement, Resilience,” a contemporary dance performance by Kaha:wi Dance Theatre at University of Albany Performing Arts Center. The performance is a moving composition inspired by the residential school experience at Six Nations Reserve.
The Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre, in its 24th season, presents an in-process performance of Dance on the Pond, on September 30, from 3-4pm, on the grounds of the private home of Janice Pickering in New Paltz, NY. This performance is in preparation for the company’s upcoming full-length dance, Habit Formed, featuring 10 dancers for the 2024 March premiere in New York City. The work examines the habits of humans; habits that engender both freedom and harm.
A cornucopia of dance is offered this summer in the Hudson Valley, Catskill and Berkshire Mountains. Summer showings, from now through September, range from ballet to belly dance to hip hop to crouched polka, a representation of the variety of dance genres presented by adventurous curators.
Jacob’s Pillow’s Dance Festival 2019 continues with world premieres, new commissions, international artists, anniversary celebrations, Pillow-exclusive…
The Chase Brock Experience is a Brooklyn-based contemporary dance company founded by choreographer Chase Brock. CBE has premiered 29 dances (to music from…