A new course at Bennington College in Vermont seeks to examine challenges facing democracy. And we’ll learn about the longtime creative partnership between children’s book author and illustrator Eric Carle and editor Ann Beneduce.
A new course at Bennington College in Vermont seeks to examine challenges facing democracy. And we’ll learn about the longtime creative partnership between children’s book author and illustrator Eric Carle and editor Ann Beneduce.
David Daley’s new book “Antidemocratic: Inside the Far Right’s 50-Year Plot to Control American Elections” is a deep dive into what Daley calls the “50-year republican plot to highjack voting rights in America." David Daley regularly discusses democracy and voting rights on CNN, NPR, MSNBC, and other outlets.
At this fragile moment in history Emily Amick lawyer and former council to former senate majority leader Chuck Schumer, alongside “New York Times” Bestselling author Sami Sage, want to reframe civic engagement as a form of self-care. An assertion of one’s values and self-respect. The new book “Democracy in Retrograde: How to Make Changes Big and Small in Our Country and in Our Lives” is not just about voting, but about claiming your singular place in your country and in your community.
The new book "The Truce: Progressives, Centrists and the Future of the Democratic Party," by Hunter Walker and Luppe B. Luppen, is a definitive history of a half-decade of upheaval in the Democratic party. In which a new generation aggressively pursued their progressive ideals while the powerful centrist establishment adapted to remain in command.
Margaret Sullivan is our next guest. She is the author of the books "Ghosting the News" and "Newsroom Confidential." She is the Former Editor at The Buffalo News, Former Public Editor at The NY Times, and Media Columnist at The Washington Post, now writing for The Guardian US. She will take part in a panel this Wednesday, November 15 on Protecting Democracy through local journalism.The panel includes: President of The NewsGuild Jon Schleuss, Publisher of Capital Region Independent Media Mark Vinciguerra, and Editor of the Times Union Casey Seiler. Judy Patrick Vice President for Editorial Development at The New York Press Association will moderate the panel.
From the outset, Donald Trump's candidacy was shouted down by some claiming he was a tyrant or at least a would-be-tyrant in waiting. Across the ensuing four years and underscored by the January 6 Capitol Riot, those assertions have only gained credibility. But what is a tyrant? Does Trump qualify for that? Andrew Fiala, who is a professor of Ethics, Political Philosophy, and The Philosophy of Religion and Non-Violence and Pacifism at the California State University at Fresno, has written a new book: "Tyranny from Plato to Trump: Fools, Sycophants and Citizens" to address those very questions.
A citizen’s group in Western Massachusetts is asking Americans to show their support for democracy on the eve of Wednesday’s presidential…
According to Adam Gopnik, not since the early 20th century has liberalism and liberals been under such relentless attack from both right and left. The…