Despite overwhelming evidence and the strong support of Representative Jim McGovern, my brother’s Congressman, President Biden left office without acting on our request that he issue a formal apology for the wrongful conviction and execution of my mother, Ethel Rosenberg.
Bestselling author Francine Prose’s latest “The Vixen,” (Harper Collins) set in the glamorous world of 1950s New York publishing, is the story of a young man tasked with editing a steamy bodice-ripper based on the recent trial and execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg - an assignment that will reveal the true cost of entering such a world.
In June 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, a couple with two young sons, were led separately from their prison cells on Death Row and electrocuted moments…
There’s an important reason why Ivy Meeropol’s new film begins with a home movie. Her family’s path intertwines in important ways — both personally and…
Today Alan Chartock's guest is economist and WAMC commentator Michael Meeropol, professor emeritus at Western New England University. He is also the…