In Tom Rachman's "The Imposters," Dora Frenhofer, a once successful but now aging and embittered novelist, knows her mind is going. She is determined, however, to finish her final book, and reverse her fortunes, before time runs out. Alone in her London home during the pandemic, she creates, and is in turn created by, the fascinating real characters from her own life.
In Tom Rachman's "The Imposters," Dora Frenhofer, a once successful but now aging and embittered novelist, knows her mind is going. She is determined, however, to finish her final book, and reverse her fortunes, before time runs out. Alone in her London home during the pandemic, she creates, and is in turn created by, the fascinating real characters from her own life.
Karin Lin-Greenberg is an English Professor at Siena College and the author of the new bestselling novel, "You are Here." As a once-bustling mall prepares to shut its doors for the final time, the residents of an upstate New York town must reckon with a shocking act that forces them to reevaluate who they are and what they want.
For the last twenty years, George Saunders has been teaching a class on the Russian short story at Syracuse University. In "A Swim in a Pond in the Rain,"…
Ten years ago this month, Ally Condie’s "Matched" was published, launching the dystopian YA trilogy that includes "Crossed" and "Reached."Matched quickly…
Leah Konen’s adult debut "All The Broken People," is an unpredictable domestic thriller in which a faked death goes horribly awry.Set in Woodstock, NY,…
Joe Donahue: In the new thriller “The End of October” from the Pulitzer Prize winner and bestselling author Lawrence Wright, Dr. Henry Parsons an unlikely…
Acclaimed author Jeffery Deaver - the mastermind behind the Lincoln Rhyme series (now adapted as a hit NBC TV show) - returns with a new thriller "The…
This week's Book Picks from Lily Bartels at The Open Door Bookstore and Gift Gallery in Schenectady, NY.List:"The Guest Book" - Sarah Blake"The Last…
Joshua Furst is the author of "Short People" and "The Sabotage Café," as well as several plays that have been produced in New York, where for a number of…