Albany-based human services organization Equinox says it is shifting focus from its Annual Thanksgiving Dinner to year-round food security efforts. As part of the transition, Equinox is partnering with the Regional Food Bank, which will launch a Thanksgiving distribution this year. The Food Bank, working at partner sites across the Capital Region, will host drive-through distributions for food boxes and prepared meals.
Our Falling into Place series spotlights the important work of -and fosters collaboration between- not-for-profit organizations in our communities; allowing us all to fall into place.Falling Into Place is supported by The Seymour Fox Memorial Foundation, Providing a helping hand to turn inspiration into accomplishment. See more possibilities … see more promise… see more progress. This week we focus on the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York and speak with CEO Molly Nichol.
Our Falling into Place series spotlights the important work of -and fosters collaboration between- not-for-profit organizations in our communities;…
Kathryn Allen is a writer who lives in Menands. She is vice-chair of the Unity House board.Cash or Cans?In the ramp up to the holiday season, community…