Juan Carlos Pagan has created graphic designs for Nike, Apple, and the Denver Nuggets, and is happy to consult with clients. Up to a point. “What you can get is design by committee, which to me is the most terrible thing.” Pagan tells us about the West Side bike path and a pacifier.
When graphic designer Natasha Jen worked at Sony Music the handwriting was already on the wall, the tiny, tiny wall: “It was no longer LPs; it was CDs. The canvass kept shrinking.” And now with digital music, there’s no canvas at all. “It’s not the end of the world; it’s a different paradigm.” Produced with the Center for Architecture.
Goodman tells us about Bob Dylan and The Chelsea Hotel.
Tonight on Person Place Thing, Cohen speaks with Gail Anderson, a graphic designer who loves but is not nostalgic for the world of print magazines where…
Chip Kidd is “the closest thing to a rock star” in the design world (USA Today), and in Go he explains not just the elements of design, including form,…