Albany County is moving to create an intermunicipal healthcare consortium to ease costs and mitigate confusion about coverage.
“First do no harm.” The Hippocratic Oath is a solemn ethics pledge historically taken by physicians. It requires a new physician to swear to uphold specific ethical standards, most notably by ensuring patient safety. It is an oath that is the bedrock of appropriate medical care.
More than a thousand city residents have their medical debt erased thanks to Spark of Hudson projectResidents with medical debt in Hudson have had the financial burden lifted, their debts satisfied by a local non-profit group.
Independent Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is known for his advocacy for low-and-middle-income Americans. On Tuesday he gave a speech in Washington on the state of the working class.
A rally to end medical debt was held this week outside St. Peter's Hospital in Albany.
A new report says climate change is taking a toll on public health and related costs. The study looked at 10 climate-sensitive events in 2012, such as…
Massachusetts Senate leaders have proposed a comprehensive health care reform bill that looks to rein in prescription drug prices and hospital costs. The…
Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan held a forum in Burlington Tuesday evening on health care.The forum hosted by Vermont’s chief legal officer focused…
Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced the reintroduction of the Family and Medical Insurance…
Policymakers in Massachusetts are looking for ways to reduce the state’s high health care costs. A 13-member delegation took a two-day fact-finding visit…