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James Hendler

  • The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond. Today's panelists are Tetherless World Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Sciences at RPI and Director of the RPI-IBM Artificial Intelligence research collaboration Jim Hendler, Advance Lead for the White House and former Chief of Staff for State Senator Michelle Hinchey and former Assistant County Executive for Pat Ryan, Anna Markowitz, Vice President for Editorial Development at the New York Press Association Judy Patrick, and Wall Street Investment Banker Mark Wittman.
  • It's time for another class in A.I. from Jim Hendler, director of the RPI-IBM Artificial Intelligence Research Collaboration. Call with your question. 800-348-2551. Ray Graf hosts.
  • Artificial intelligence is becoming an ever more important part of our lives. Today we'll get an introductory level course in A.I. from Jim Hendler, director of the RPI-IBM Artificial Intelligence Research Collaboration. Call with your question. 800-348-2551. Ray Graf hosts.
  • The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond.Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, Former EPA Regional Administrator, Visiting Professor at Bennington College, and President of Beyond Plastics Judith Enck, Tetherless World Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Sciences at RPI and Director of the RPI-IBM Artificial Intelligence research collaboration Jim Hendler, and Siena College Professor of Economics Aaron Pacitti.
  • The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond. Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, Investigative Journalist and Adjunct Professor, Rosemary Armao, Tetherless World Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Sciences at RPI and Director of the RPI-IBM Artificial Intelligence research collaboration Jim Hendler, Albany Law School professor and director of the Immigration Law Clinic Sarah Rogerson. For a portion of the program we are joined by Joe Weisberg, former CIA officer and creator of FX's "The Americans."
  • The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond. Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, President and CEO of The Business Council of New York State Heather Briccetti, Tetherless World Professor of Computer, Web, and Cognitive Sciences at RPI and Director of the RPI-IBM Artificial Intelligence research collaboration Jim Hendler, Albany County District Attorney David Soares.
  • The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond. Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, Tetherless World Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Sciences at RPI and Director of the RPI-IBM Artificial Intelligence research collaboration Jim Hendler, Siena College Professor of Comparative Politics Vera Eccarius-Kelly, and Vice President for Editorial Development at the New York Press Association Judy Patrick.
  • The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond.Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, investigative journalist and UAlbany Adjunct Professor Rosemary Armao, Dean of the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity at the University at Albany Robert Griffin, and Tetherless World Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Sciences at RPI and Director of the RPI-IBM Artificial Intelligence Research Collaboration Jim Hendler.
  • The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond.Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, Communications Consultant…
  • With word that 50 million Facebook users had their personal information collected during the 2016 presidential campaign by the data analytics firm…