Megan Ahearn was named NYPIRG’s new executive director on January 1st.
Governor Kathy Hochul has signed the Climate Change Superfund Act into law, making New York the second state in the country to hold fossil fuel companies responsible for climate impacts.
(Airs 08/02/24 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: Upstate New York has seen an unusual amount of tornados this summer, and Senator Schumer wants to know why, we’ll speak with Blair Horner of NYPIRG about making polluters pay, and although they remain down on politics, New Yorkers are feeling optimistic about the future in a new Siena Poll.
(Airs 08/01/24 @ 3 p.m.) WAMC’s David Guistina in conversation with Blair Horner, Executive Director of the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG).
(Airs 05/23/24 @ 3 p.m.) WAMC’s David Guistina in conversation with Blair Horner, Executive Director of the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG).
Public campaign financing is a factor in the crowded race for New York's 109th district Assembly seat.
It could be days or weeks before the New York state budget is passed, keeping people and organizations tied to state government on hold.
New York officials and consumer activists say it should be easier for the average person and small business to repair certain electronics.The Digital Fair…
A new Siena College Research Institute Poll released for Earth Day shows large majorities of New Yorkers are concerned about the environment.The survey…
The New York state legislature recently passed a number of environmental bills that await Governor Andrew Cuomo’s signature. Among them is a…