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open house

  • The legendary artists’ retreat in Saratoga Springs, New York, Yaddo, was the country estate of financier Spencer Trask and his wife Katrina, a writer. Left without heirs after the deaths of their children, the Trasks left their fortune and estate to the establishment of a residency program for artists. They founded the Corporation of Yaddo in 1900.Creators in all artistic practices have come to stay in residence with support for their endeavors. Yaddo currently welcomes approximately 220 guests a year from all over the world and in order to give these writers, painters, composers, etc. the space and solitude to dig deep into their creative practice, Yaddo is closed to the public.This won’t be the case, however, on October 2, when Yaddo will host an open house event that includes the rare chance to have a guided tour of the iconic buildings and grounds. This is the first time the public will be permitted in to see the newly restored mansion. We present an audio-tour preview with Yaddo President Elaina Richardson.
  • The Upper Hudson Maple Producers Association’s 2018 Maple Open House Weekends are this weekend and next. Events include demonstrations, samples, and free…