In Massachusetts, one of the last major pieces of legislation to be signed into law in 2024 was an omnibus bill, geared toward substance use disorders and support for those affected. WAMC spoke with one of the bill’s biggest proponents in the Senate about just what the new act does.
On Saturday, the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition holds a self-guided Recovery Walk as part of a week-long event called Voices for Recovery…
While Massachusetts is reporting a decrease in opioid-related overdose deaths statewide in 2019, the western half of the state is still seeing those…
According to first responders in Berkshire County’s largest community, calls for overdoses and alcohol related emergencies are skyrocketing during the…
The next scheduled trial over the drug industry's liability in the opioid crisis has been postponed because of the coronavirus outbreak.The trial had been…
Opioid overdose deaths are down in a county that had the second highest per-capita rate of opioid fatalities of any county in New York in 2018.Democratic…
A state senator from the Hudson Valley says more action is needed to help reverse the trend of climbing death tolls from opioids. He applauds Governor…
The insurer Cigna has agreed to end a policy of requiring doctors to fill out extra paperwork before giving patients a medication used to treat opioid…
As students head back to the classroom, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney wants to start the school year swinging in the fight against heroin and opioid…
The opioid crisis has worried officials across the Northeast.In today’s Congressional Corner, New York Representative Paul Tonko — a Democrat from the…