The Plattsburgh Common Council has rejected a resolution put forward by outgoing Mayor Chris Rosenquest calling for an investigation into what he alleges is undue political influence over the police department.
During its latest meeting, the Plattsburgh Common Council discussed a number of fiscal issues and expressed thoughts about the mayor’s plan to appoint a new police chief by the end of the year.
Police say one person died following an early morning shooting incident in the city of Plattsburgh.
More information has been released about the arrest of a Plattsburgh man accused of planning to kill officials at the local hospital.
Plattsburgh City Police arrested a 52-year-old former employee of the UVM Health Network CVPH Medical Center Tuesday morning who was driving toward the hospital with a loaded firearm in his vehicle.
The Plattsburgh Common Council approved the Impacted Business Revolving Loan Fund to help businesses impacted by the Margaret Street Reconstruction Project.
During Thursday’s Plattsburgh Common Council meeting, the mayor broke a tie vote to accept a state grant to fund body cameras for the police department.
Plattsburgh city councilors have rejected the mayor’s appointment of a new city police chief.
Plattsburgh City Police quickly apprehended a man who tried to rob a downtown bank Friday.Police were alerted to the attempted robbery by an alarm from…
Plattsburgh City Police have created an “Internet Exchange Safe Zone” for people exchanging goods purchased via social media or websites.The Plattsburgh…