Pulitzer Prize-Winner Alex Storozynski's new book, "Spies In My Blood: A Polish Family’s Secret Fight Against Nazis & Communists," is the true story of two brothers raised in New York by WWII exiles and their journey to Poland. Each takes a different path to infiltrate the Communist secret police on a mission to uncover the truth about their family of soldiers, spies, and assassins.
Musicians of Ma’alwyck will present the program, Forbidden Music Regained, this weekend - a concert series elevating the voices of Dutch composers who were persecuted in the Second World War.
Tova Friedman was one of the youngest people to emerge from Auschwitz. After surviving the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Central Poland where she lived as a toddler, Tova was four when she and her parents were sent to a Nazi labor camp, and almost six when she and her mother were forced into a packed cattle truck and sent to Auschwitz II, also known as the Birkenau extermination camp, while her father was transported to Dachau. In "The Daughter of Auschwitz," Tova immortalizes what she saw, to keep the story of the Holocaust alive, at a time when it's in danger of fading from memory.
Esther Safran Foer grew up in a home where the past was too terrible to speak of - born in Poland after World War II, her mother and father each the sole…
WAMC's Dr. Alan Chartock shares his thoughts on the latest developments on Brexit. Dr. Chartock also discusses the ongoing climate talks in Poland.
Louis Begley, best known for his masterful observations of life in New York City’s upper crust, made his thriller debut with Killer Come Hither.That book…
In this week’s Classical Music According to Yehuda, Alan Chartock and Yehuda Hanani continue their conversation about female composers - focusing on Maria…
The play, Life in a Jar tells the story of Irena Sendler, a Polish Catholic social worker, who assisted in hiding over 2,000 Jewish children who had been…