Joe Donahue will be at the Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center in Great Barrington, Massachusetts on Thursday, December 19 to speak with friend, cartoonist, writer, and songwriter Sandra Boynton. The event is: Cows and Holly: Sandra Boynton tries to explain her wild new Christmas album.
In the past four decades, beloved American cartoonist, children’s author, and Platinum-selling songwriter/producer Sandra Boynton has sold over 85 million books and is a staple of storytime, bedtime, and everything in between! This Fall, Simon and Schuster is introducing Boynton Bookworks, a new imprint devoted to Boynton's past and future works.
Take these three ingredients: Artist Sandra Boynton, Yo-Yo Ma & snoozing jungle animals! Stir, mix and you have utter magic.These celebrated artists come…
Sandra Boynton is a beloved American cartoonist, children’s author, songwriter, and highly sporadic short film director. Boynton has written and…
Sandra Boynton's latest release, Hog Wild!: A Frenzy of Dance Music, features eleven all-out musical tracks in an array of dance styles performed by Scott…
Sandra Boynton is a popular cartoonist, writer, and songwriter. Since 1974, she has written and illustrated over fifty children’s books and seven general…