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school shooting

  • The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond. Today's panelists are Siena College Professor of Comparative Politics Vera Eccarius-Kelly, Dean of the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity at the University at Albany Robert Griffin, and Preceptor in Public Speaking for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University Terry Gipson. Albany Law School Professor of Law, Director of The Justice Center, and Director of Immigration Law Clinic Sarah Rogerson joins for a portion of the program.
  • Three Berkshire County high schools were sent into lockdown on Tuesday, as part of the latest string of hoax active shooter threats across the state. At a time when real school shootings continue unabated, unsubstantiated threats are traumatizing, too.
  • There's an average of one mass shooting per day in the United States. In 2020, Distinguished Professor of History at American University Allan Lichtman wrote the book: "Repeal the Second Amendment" - the first book that uses history, legal theory and up-to-the-minute data to make a compelling case for the amendment’s repeal in order to create a clear road to sensible gun control in the US."Repeal the Second Amendment" explores both the true history and current interpretation of the Second Amendment to expose the NRA’s blatant historical manipulations and irresponsible fake news releases. Lichtman looks at the history of firearms and gun regulations from colonial times to the present to explain how a historically forgotten sentence in the Constitution has become a flash point of recent politics that benefits only the gun industry, their lobbyists, and the politicians on their payroll. He probes court decisions and the effective lobbying and public relations strategies of the gun lobby as well as the ineffectiveness of the gun control movement for lessons in doing better.What emerges is a clear and cogent plan--repeal and replace the Second Amendment without taking guns away from anyone who has them now--to make the US a safer place.
  • On December 14, 2012, a gunman killed twenty first-graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Ten years later, New York Times feature writer Elizabeth Williamson’s book "Sandy Hook: An American Tragedy and the Battle for Truth" investigated the aftermath. We talk to her this morning about the similarities to yesterday’s shooting that left 19-young children dead.Elizabeth Williamson is a feature writer for the New York Times. She joined the Times as a member of the editorial board, writing about national politics during the 2016 presidential campaign. Previously, Williamson was a writer for the Wall Street Journal, covering national politics and the White House, and a national reporter at the Washington Post.
  • While we talk a lot about gun culture, safety in schools, and what to do to prevent the next school shooting – we want to talk about what impact these shootings are having on our children – those directly impacted and those who see it all around them.University of Michigan psychology professor Sandra Graham-Bermann, whose research includes traumatic stress reactions in children exposed to violence such as the school shooting yesterday, says schools and parents can offer support to the students during the grieving process, but long-term symptoms that become post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may require professional counseling.
  • The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond. Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, investigative journalist Rosemary Armao, Chief of Staff and Vice President for Strategy and Policy at Bard College Malia DuMont, Dean of the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity at the University at Albany Robert Griffin, and Diplomat in residence at Bard College Frederic Hof.
  • Two New York state lawmakers from Rockland County and relatives of a victim of the Parkland, Florida school shooting will be in Albany today. They’ll be…
  • WAMC's Dr. Alan Chartock discusses Friday's school shooting in Texas. Dr. Chartock also shares his thoughts on President Trump's claims that the FBI and…
  • Police say a middle school janitor in Stafford threatened a school shooting in a move that prompted a district-wide lockdown.Fifty-eight-year-old David…
  • Stefan Merrill Block frequently covers bleak territory in his novels, and his latest, “Oliver Loving,” is no exception.Block takes us inside the mind of a…