Town Meeting Day in Vermont is over and the results show most communities passed school budget and financial bonds.
Today is Town Meeting Day in Vermont, the traditional time when residents meet to hash out budgets and local elections. Some communities hold their meetings at other times to encourage more participation. The Town of Middlebury gathered Monday evening.
Vermont’s long-time exercise in local democracy occurs Tuesday as residents participate in annual Town Meetings and vote on local issues.
There were bond issues, municipal budgets and local elections for voters to decide Tuesday during Vermont Town Meeting Day. The major issue across the state was school budgets.
It’s Town Meeting Day in Vermont and voters are choosing local government leaders, budgets and ballot questions.
State officials are anticipating school budgets and resulting property taxes will be the key issue for voters across the state.
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was in South Burlington, Vermont Sunday for a brief campaign rally in the Green Mountain State in advance of its Super Tuesday primary.
More than 20 Vermont communities have approved allowing retail marijuana businesses within their borders.The Vermont Legislature legalized the sale of…
Town Meeting Day is traditionally when Vermonters gather to debate and decide local elections, budgets and community issues in town halls and auditoriums.…