The open enrollment period for Vermont's online health care exchange has started.Enrollment through Vermont Health Connect will run until Dec.…
Open enrollment starts Wednesday for Vermonters who want to sign up for a health insurance plan for next year through the state's online exchange or…
Vermonters who want to sign up for a health insurance plan for next year through the state's online exchange or existing subscribers who want to change to…
Vermont Republican gubernatorial candidate Phil Scott released his health care plan on Wednesday. It’s an approach that fits his affordability policy…
Federal investigators found significant cybersecurity weaknesses in the health insurance websites of California, Kentucky and Vermont that could enable…
The healthcare exchange in Vermont is facing a new round of criticism. A new federal audit assessing the first six months of operations of Vermont Health…
The Vermont House Committee on Health Care is holding a series of hearings on the state’s health care exchange, Vermont Health Connect. The system has…
Vermont officials say they're hiring an outside consultant to conduct an extensive assessment that could help determine fate of Vermont Health Connect.The…
A senior aide to Governor Peter Shumlin says the Vermont Health Connect insurance exchange has met key goals set out for it earlier this year and should…
Vermont Health Exchange On Track To Meet Deadline To Eliminate Backlogs And Improve Customer ServiceVermont officials are cautiously optimistic that the state's health insurance exchange will meet next week's deadline for smooth operations.When Vermont…