Norman Ohler, the author of the New York Times bestseller "Blitzed," returns with a provocative new history of drugs and postwar America, in "Tripped: Nazi Germany, the CIA, and the Dawn of the Psychedelic Age."
Fellowship of Reconciliation is a global movement founded in 1914 to support the rights of conscience in resistance to war and military conscription. We are joined by Executivve Director Ariel Gold and scholar of race, religion, and resistance, Iskander Abbasi.
Norman Ohler, the author of the New York Times bestseller "Blitzed," returns with a provocative new history of drugs and postwar America, in "Tripped: Nazi Germany, the CIA, and the Dawn of the Psychedelic Age." (Mariner Books)
In his new novel, “Cold Victory,” New York Times bestselling author Karl Marlantes delivers a sweeping tale of Cold War intrigue set in post-war Finland in which loyalty, friendship, and love are put to the ultimate test. The book is layered with action, historical detail, and a keen eye for the way totalitarianism and loss of truth and privacy threatens love and friendship.
More than twenty years ago, 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan set into motion a hugely consequential shift in America’s foreign policy: a perpetual state of war that is almost entirely invisible to the American public. The book, "War Made Invisible," by journalist and political analyst Norman Solomon, exposes how this happened, and what its consequences are, from military and civilian casualties to drained resources at home.
In "V is for Victory,"New York Times bestselling historian Craig Nelson reveals how President Franklin D. Roosevelt confronted an American public disinterested in going to war in Europe, skillfully won their support, and pushed government and American industry to build the greatest war machine in history, “the arsenal of democracy” that won World War II.
The new book, "Grand Delusion: The Fall and Rise of American Ambition in the Middle East," is the culmination of Steven Simon’s almost 40 years of expertise and insider foreign policy access. The book is a deeply informed reckoning with U.S. involvement in the Middle East.
Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK. She is also co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange, the Peace in Ukraine Coalition. Medea has been an advocate of social justice for 50 years and is author of 10 books. Her most recent book, co-authored with Nicolas J.S. Davies, is "War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict." Women Against War is hosting Medea Benjamin in the Capital Region.
Pacifists who fought against the Second World War faced insurmountable odds—but their resistance, philosophy, and strategies fostered a tradition of activism that shaped America right up to the present day. Journalist Daniel Akst’s new book is "War By Other Means: The Pacifists of the Greatest Generation Who Revolutionized Resistance."
In his new book, The Greatest Evil Is War, Chris Hedges makes a clear and cogent argument against war, not on philosophical grounds or through moral arguments, but in an irrefutable stream of personal encounters with the victims of war, from veterans and parents to gravely wounded American serviceman who served in the Iraq War, to survivors of the Holocaust, to soldiers in the Falklands War, among others.