WAM (Women’s Action Movement) Theatre was co-founded in 2010 by Artistic Director Kristen van Ginhoven and theatre professional Leigh Strimbeck. Inspired by the book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, WAM Theatre is based in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Since launching in 2010, WAM Theatre has donated over $10,500 to six beneficiaries from their maintstage productions and provided paid work to nearly 100 theatre artists.
WAM Theatre will celebrate their first five seasons on August 24th with a panel discussion of extraordinary people effecting positive change through the arts. The members of the panel are author and playwright Jessica Blank, playwright and founding member of the collective 13 Playwrights, Winter Miller, National Geographic photographer John Stanmeyer, and filmmaker Cynthia Wade.
The event will be hosted by Pulitzer prize winning playwright Marsha Norman and our Producer Sarah LaDuke.