Now we look to the summer exhibitions at The Clark which include Van Gogh and Nature -- an exhibition that will be on view at the Clark from June 14th through Sept. 13th. The show will include 53 works, mostly paintings, but also some of the artist’s drawings on loan from museums and private collections around the world. Richard Kendall, is Curator at Large at The Clark and we will speak with him about Van Gogh in a moment.
But first we must also mention two more exhibits - Photography and Discovery which will be on view May 17th through August 30th; and A Century of Japanese Woodblock Prints from Hiroshige to Sait?: Gifts from the Rodbell Family Collection which will be on view from July 5th to September 27th. Both are curated by Jay Clarke – the Manton Curator of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs at the Clark who joins us now along with the aforementioned Richard Kendall.