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David Tanis - Market Cooking

Davis Tanis' Market Cooking cookbook cover

New York Times Cooking Columnist David Tanis is an acclaimed chef and writer known for his simple yet revelatory approach to cooking. As Oblong Books describes his new book, Market Cooking, "A masterwork of recipes, approach, technique, and philosophy, David Tanis Market Cooking is as inspiring as it is essential." 

He will be at an Oblong Books and Music event at 6 p.m. December 12th at the White Hart Inn in Salisbury, CT. 

Joe talks to people on the radio for a living. In addition to countless impressive human "gets" - he has talked to a lot of Muppets. Joe grew up in Philadelphia, has been on the area airwaves for more than 25 years and currently lives in Washington County, NY with his wife, Kelly, and their dog, Brady. And yes, he reads every single book.
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