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BMC Nurses Protest Union Contract Changes


Pittsfield, MA – Registered nurses at Pittsfield's Berkshire Medical Center picketed Thursday to protest changes to their union contract regarding health care costs. WAMC's Berkshire Bureau Chief Patrick Donges reports...

The nurses held an informational picket line Thursday afternoon to raise public awareness of their current negotiations with hospital management.

In a release on the protest from the Massachusetts Nurses Association, bargaining unit co-chair Gerri Jakacky said recent layoffs coupled with a new "factory-style" management system have put patient care in jeopardy.

The release says management is forcing nurses to accept a health insurance program which would result in more expensive co-pays and cited a new provision that would cut pay for nurses working three 12-hour shifts a week who currently are paid for 40 hours of work instead of 36.

Michael Leary, director of media relations at Berkshire Health Systems, said hospital management has been surprised by the nurses' actions throughout contract negotiations.

"It's been very clear from our negotiations and discussions with the union over the past several months that this is all about money."

Patrick Donges, WAMC News.